End of Life New Way to mourn Transforming the ashes into diamonds.
In Chicago (USA), a funeral home offers families - through 2299 dollars
(2,400 euros) - to transform their newly deceased relatives tujo carat
diamond. eventually raise the fingers forever.
File "our time" the Nouvel Observateur of 24 to 30 April 2003
The process: carbonization
The American company Life Gem (Chicago) has invented a new way of
mourning: to isolate the carbon from the ashes of a corpse freshly
cremated and turned into precious stones that have to do then get into
The process is as follows: cremate the deceased by monitoring oxygen
levels during cremation to avoid the carbon body is transformed in
carbon dioxide. A small part of the black powder obtained (a human body
could produce a hundred diamonds of different sizes), is sent to a
factory in Pennsylvania. There, the carbon is heated under vacuum at
high temperature to transform it into graphite.Envoyé Russia, graphite
is then subjected, in autoclaves at pressures and temperatures such
that it becomes a diamond. Each step may be followed by the family.
Certificates are given by pat étape.Le unused carbon is stored to be
processed again (new applications, the first diamond lost or misplaced
...). The end result is a diamond not white but blue.
A high potential market
The most immediate market is Japan where 100% of the dead are cremated.
United States 26% of people choose cremation, this figure should reach
40% in 2010. In France, cremation accounted for 0.5% of deaths in 1974,
20% in 2003. Besides the market for pets ...