Senior, elderly: test your form!
Balance, flexibility, lung function ... where are you?
Your balance is satisfactory?
Locate a straight line on the ground (floor, pavement ...) or draw one
up. Stand back, looking ahead, feet against feet, a length of 3 meters.
Result: you do not put your foot out of line ... or nothing once? Bravo! Your balance is satisfactory.
Your shoulders are they flexible?
Standing back and shoulder blades, well pressed against the wall, feet
slightly away 45 cm from the wall, arms at your sides. Slowly your
hands against the wall, back of the hand against the wall, without
moving the elbows and back.
Result: how far can you go? You exceed the horizontal of 45 °? Fantastic! Your shoulders have retained all their flexibility!
Your breath is it good?
Put on your dress and sporting. Warm up. Choose a flat. Walk at a quick
pace and steady for 6 minutes. Advice: do not go beyond your abilities,
remember to breathe.
Result: You have managed to do this test of "6 minutes walk" without
being too out of breath and without stopping. Congratulations To keep
your breath and get more accurate results, it is advisable to be
accompanied by a professional who will measure your heart rate at the
start and finish, and check your recovery.